Bedtime routines in any home with children can feel like an adventure—or a battlefield. Parents know all too well the delicate negotiations, the last-minute thirst emergencies, and, of course, the bedtime privileges that turn into debates. In our house, one of the biggest nighttime debates is over who gets to pick the short movie before...
The Good and the Bad
A certain man was sitting on the shoreline looking out over the ocean and he noticed a fleet of fishing boats drifting by and casting out their nets. As he was watching he noticed that at a given time the men began to pull in the nets and bringing on board fish of all kind....
Knights In White Satin
As Christians, we are seen as sinless before God. Pure. Okay, we have a hard time seeing us like that (though we often come across as thinking we’re perfect) but if we really think about it we know we are sinners. If only we could see ourselves as well as others as God sees us....
Choosing Right When It All Feels Wrong
Thus says the Lord: “I offer you three things; choose one of them for yourself…” (2 Samuel 24:12) Decision making is not my forte. Even simple selections, like complimentary colors or enticing desserts, leave me unsettled. So, I get both! Who’s with me? But life isn’t all shopping and dining, is it? We find out just...
Light to Shine!
Every year, our church has the privilege and opportunity to be one of the hosts of a truly special event called Night to Shine. Night to Shine is a worldwide movement, led by churches, that shares the love of Jesus and celebrates the worth and value of people with special needs. It is a prom held...
God Always Has a Plan
Even though the fig trees have no blossoms, and there are no grapes on the vines; even though the olive crop fails, and the fields lie empty and barren; even though the flocks die in the fields, and the cattle barns are empty, [18] yet I will rejoice in the Lord! I will be joyful...
Stepping Away: A Moment with the Father
Life is full of movement. Between work, wrestling, swimming, and jiu-jitsu with my boys, the days are packed. The schedule is relentless, yet I cherish the time spent together through these activities. But there’s something uniquely special about those quiet moments after the hustle when I ask, “Boys, do you want a boys’ night?” Almost...
A certain man was sitting in service on a Sunday morning and noticed up on the platform (high place, altar) was an arrangement of flowers which was once a delight to look at and a blessing to the platform. As he stared at the flowers, he noticed that they were almost entirely dried out and...
The Life of a Snowflake…
With the proper mix of wind and rain (or air and moisture droplets for your poetic license killing meteorologists) births us a snowflake. Unique in shape…none like it…yet like any other snowflake. Born is same fashion as the rest, frail. Can you be uniquely different while quite similar? You drift from above, falling gently among...
On Wings of Wonder
“…He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end.” (Eccl. 3:11) Murmuration. Even if you’re not familiar with this word, you’ve most likely seen it in action – a large group of birds traveling together, soaring and swooping, pulsing and pivoting,...