Brianna Golden

Cru, New Jersey Metro Cru

With over a half-million students attending college in New Jersey, which has a Jesus following population of less than 4%, there exists a tremendous competition for the hearts, minds, and souls of college students. Despite this reality, God is making Himself increasingly known to believing and unbelieving students alike. Cru (Campus Crusade for Christ) is a caring community passionate about connecting people to Jesus Christ. As the Cru ministry in NJ (Jersey Metro Cru), it is our desire to join in God’s mighty work of making Jesus Christ known on every campus, influencing the state and ultimately the world. We desire to do this through the empowerment and leading of The Holy Spirit. Brianna serves with her co-laborers on the Jersey Metro team to meet students’ right where they are spiritually through intentional evangelism, caring community, and discipleship relationships. We trust God that, in reaching students today for Christ, we can reach the whole world tomorrow. 

Facebook: @JerseyMetroCru

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