What We Believe
About CCGC
A Fellowship Of Believers

Calvary Chapel Gloucester County has been formed as a fellowship of believers in the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Our supreme desire is to know Christ and to be conformed into His image by the power of the Holy Spirit. We are not a denominational church, nor are we opposed to denominations as such, only their over-emphasis of the doctrinal differences that have led to the division of the Body of Christ.
It is the desire of Calvary Chapel to be intentional about our local community and neighborhood. While we feel we are regional, in the fact that all are welcome, we won’t lose sight of the needs of those in our backyard. If you would like to have one of our ministry leaders get in touch with you, please visit our contact page to submit your request, comment or question.
What Makes Calvary Chapel Distinctive

It’s always good to have a grasp of the distinctive work that God has done in our fellowship. If Calvary Chapel is exactly like the church across the street it would be better to simply merge the two. But, if there are qualities that make us different, then we have a unique and special place in the plan of God. Certainly there are churches that share many of our beliefs and practices. But God has done a wonderful work of balance in the Calvary Chapel movement that does make us different. Some churches believe in the gifts and ministry of the Holy Spirit, but don’t have a strong emphasis on Biblical teaching. Others place strong emphasis on teaching the Word of God, but don’t believe the gifts of the Spirit are available and valid today.
In Calvary Chapel we value the teaching of the Word, and possess an open heart to the work of the Holy Spirit. This balance makes Calvary Chapel a distinct and uniquely blessed movement of God. And so, it’s important to understand the Biblical principles that explain why God has allowed us to exist and grow.
Click here for more information about Calvary Distinctives.