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Local Missionaries

Supporting The Cause Locally
Robin Shelburne

Robin Shelburne

Young Life Gloucester County Capernaum

Young Life is a ministry that outreaches to adolescents in the Southern New Jersey area. They began in 1982 with a few simple ideas about sharing the truth of God’s love, which has led to time tested methods for reaching out to middle school, high school and college students in friendship and hope. Currently, YL consists of four clubs in the local area led by 22 leaders that include the following: two high school clubs, one all area middle school club called Wyldlife, and one special needs club called Capernaum.

Brianna Golden

Brianna Golden

Cru, New Jersey Metro Cru

With over a half-million students attending college in New Jersey, which has a Jesus following population of less than 4%, there exists a tremendous competition for the hearts, minds, and souls of college students. Despite this reality, God is making Himself increasingly known to believing and unbelieving students alike. Cru (Campus Crusade for Christ) is a caring community passionate about connecting people to Jesus Christ. As the Cru ministry in NJ (Jersey Metro Cru), it is our desire to join in God’s mighty work of making Jesus Christ known on every campus, influencing the state and ultimately the world. We desire to do this through the empowerment and leading of The Holy Spirit. Brianna serves with her co-laborers on the Jersey Metro team to meet students’ right where they are spiritually through intentional evangelism, caring community, and discipleship relationships. We trust God that, in reaching students today for Christ, we can reach the whole world tomorrow. 

Email: Brianna.Golden@Cru.org
Website: www.jerseymetro.com
Facebook: @JerseyMetroCru

International Missionaries

Supporting The Cause Globally
Bill & Kristie Campbell

Bill & Kristie Campbell

Antioch Int’l Movement of Churches/ Epicenter Church, France

Bill and Kristie Campbell were called to serve the Greater Paris Region, home to over 12 million people, where only 1% would identify themselves as evangelical Christians. They are active in various ministries such as evangelism, discipleship multiplication and church planting. Bill & Kristie also do a lot of training throughout the region as well as coaching for other church planters throughout Europe, but their greatest passion and where they spend the bulk of their time is sharing the gospel with unbelievers.

Gabe and Judy Agostini

Gabe and Judy Agostini

SALT (Support and Leadership Training), Latin America & Europe)

  Founded in Huancayo, Peru, in 1999 by Gabriel Agostini, SALT Leadership has four primary ministries serving Spanish-speaking people in Latin America and Europe.  Through their first ministry LEAD (Leadership Education & Development), they train church leaders by helping them develop skills as teachers, organizers, administrators and servants of the body of Christ. Their second ministry SETE (Seminary Education by Theological Extension) offers a three-year course of studies of continuing education and theological preparation to pastors and pastorals candidates. Many of these students cannot travel to major metropolitan areas for ministerial training. Their third ministry ESTYC (School of Theology and Counseling) is a master’s level program currently operating in Temuco, Chile and Huancayo, Peru. Its purpose is to train pastors and church leaders who desire to counsel from a clear biblical perspective. Their fourth ministry is Mission Projects which helps churches plan and carry out short-term assignments involving special projects in Latin America and Europe.

Caitlin Terry

Caitlin Terry


Hydromission's passion is to both provide safe drinking water and share the love of Jesus with those we are serving. Hydromissions provides water solutions, sanitation facilities and hygiene education to all people, no matter the religion, however we do it in the name of Jesus so those we serve know the provisions are not coming from us and that our desire is for them to know the love that Jesus has for them.

Hollie Butler

Hollie Butler

Wycliffe Bible Translators, Papua New Guinea

For more than 75 years, Wycliffe Bible Translators has been helping people around the world translate the Bible into their own languages.  The mission of Wycliffe is to serve with the global body of Christ to advance Bible translation and work together so people can encounter God through his Word.  Hollie serves the people of Papua New Guinea in a linguistics and Bible translation role, with the goal of helping make Scripture accessible to people who do not have it.  Pray for growing partnerships, clarity in translation work, and transformed lives by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Email: hollie_butler@wycliffe.org
Website: www.wycliffe.org

Alejandro and Lauren Tipaz

Alejandro and Lauren Tipaz

Commission To Every Nation, Guatemala

Lauren (Pupchik) and Alejandro Tipaz serve in Guatemala with Commission To Every Nation. Lauren has been serving full time in Guatemala since 2003. Lauren is a Jersey girl who grew up in Sicklerville, NJ and Alejandro is proud of his Mayan Guatemalan heritage. They were married in 2019 and have two children, Caroline and Benjamin. Lauren’s passion is to teach the Bible with a focus on experiencing our Heavenly Father’s transforming love through Jesus Christ. Alejandro uses his gifts in construction to build homes for families who are in need of a safe place to live. Together they minister in San Lorenzo, Guatemala at the Servant Harts Ministry Center where pregnant women and new moms with babies ages newborn to two years old receive quality prenatal and ongoing medical care, holistic health education, solid biblical teaching and Christ-centered counseling. 

Support Website: www.cten.org/guatemala-missionaries/alejandro-and-lauren-pupchik-tipz