
Prosperity Gospel

  We have all heard the term “prosperity doctrine” used quite often recently. It’s used to describe pastors or churches with a bent towards feel good messages and a Christian life that’s described as effortless, comfortable, smooth and prosperous. Grace and blessings will abound in the Christian’s life with little to no troubles and suffering....

June 29, 2020July 14, 2021by

Descent into Self-Righteousness

Do you think you are a pretty good child of God; thanking God that you are not like all the sinners around you (Luke 18:11)? Job thought so. However, after Job “sputtered out all the reasons why he was so good and why he did not deserve to suffer God confronted him with a series...

June 25, 2020July 14, 2021by

Simple as Pudding

…Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone…for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect. (1 Peter 3:15) Coronavirus has changed everything. The worldwide death toll (which is devastating) and risk of exposure have prompted many protective measures. Schools, churches and restaurants are closed (except online and take-out). Because...

June 15, 2020July 14, 2021by

Street Light, Power Line & Telephone Poles

This past Wednesday coming home from helping at the Live Stream for church was quite a drive. Most of us experienced a crazy storm just minutes before. I received a few texts that said to stay safe or wait there before coming home. As the rain settled to a drizzle I headed out. What I...

June 11, 2020July 14, 2021by

Don’t Buy the Lie

The beginning of my career was spent working for a marketing & advertising agency that had a variety of clients; some sold products, others sold services. When it came to retail, I learned something very important about effective advertising – Our primary responsibility or goal wasn’t to sell the product, it was to sell the...

June 4, 2020July 14, 2021by

The Example of John the Baptist

When I was a younger, I loved the show Man vs Wild. In this survival show, famed outdoorsman Bear Grylls would be dropped in remote wildernesses all over the world and show you how to escape. He taught survival advice like where to go when in danger, how to build shelter anywhere in the world,...

May 28, 2020July 14, 2021by

Puppy Pictures and Persistence

Then she came and worshiped Him, saying, “Lord, help me!” (Matthew 15:25) Dogs are persistent, aren’t they? Barking at squirrels, chasing bunnies, pawing and begging, all the while giving you “those eyes” – they don’t give up ’til they get what they’re after. Persistence is a trait many people find annoying, but God wants us...

May 21, 2020July 14, 2021by

Fake News + Fasting

I am not one much for political debates, but I do like the term “fake news.” It is something that I find interesting; I always try to evaluate when I hear that phrase whether or not the information is fake or if it is just being used to control the narrative of the story. I...

May 13, 2020July 14, 2021by

COVID-19 Immunity…Maybe Not

God’s priority is the preservation of our soul. He will not sacrifice the soul for the sake of the body. At the end of the beatitudes in Matthew’s gospel, Jesus said, “If your eye makes you stumble, tear it out and throw it from you; for it is better for you to lose one of...

May 5, 2020July 14, 2021by

The Good Shepherd

I’m sure you have heard or read Psalm 23 many times in your lifetime. It is one of the most popular scriptures and is often read at funerals. It’s often quoted in times of trouble, trials and tribulations, especially verse 4: “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will...

April 29, 2020July 14, 2021by