Funerals. Nobody likes ’em. Sometimes we’ll attend even when we didn’t know the dearly departed, simply out of love or respect for the ones left grieving. These funerals are somewhat easier because there’s no personal grief involved – you didn’t live daily life together. There’s no storehouse of memories weighing down the mind, crushing the...
Author: CCGC
If ever asked the question, “How do you see yourself?” I often wonder how I would answer such a question. At face value, it seems broad, but at the heart of it, a deep self-reflection would need to occur. I would dare to think that this question would elicit different answers as people at every...
If Jesus Called Me Here, Why Am I Sinking?
Matthew 14. Let’s set the scene… There’s much happening. John the Baptist is beheaded, Jesus feeds thousands with some fishes and loaves, then we find Peter walking on water towards Jesus. I point out this context because, if you read it in its entirety, it speaks to the heart of Christ that after He loses...
A Simple Prayer
The most recent tragedies have led my devotional to be a simple prayer. I have reflected on one verse in particular and know that only God and his endless love and mercy can restore us. “If my people who are called by my name humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from...
Holy, Holy, Holy
And one cried to another and said: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; The whole earth is full of His glory!” – Isaiah 6:3 I don’t know about you, but I enjoy breaking down words so that I can better understand the application of it. While studying in the book of Isaiah I...
Picture This…
I will put My law in their minds, and write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. (Jeremiah 31:33) It is said that “a picture is worth a thousand words”, and that proves to be true as “memes” have taken over social media. Reading anything of...
Producing the Fruit of the Spirit
Some may already know, some may think they know and some may ask what is the Fruit of the Spirit? How does one get this fruit? The Fruit of the Holy Spirit are the nine attributes of a person living in accord with the Holy Spirit, according to chapter 5 of Galatians: “But the fruit...
Righteousness Found Only in Your Face
“Righteousness, found only in Your face You see my heart, You extend Your grace” Those are two of my favorite lines in the song Never Going Back by United Pursuit, and they’re lyrics the Lord started to unpack with me lately. It has been a bit of a dry season for me recently. Not living...
Diving Deep
As a parent of five children, which range from ages sixteen to six months, I have had my share of going through a variety of milestones in life thus far. Some have been joyful tears while other times have been tears of sadness. In May, I was able to go to Florida and see the...
The Other Philip
Then Philip opened his mouth, and beginning with this Scripture he told him the good news about Jesus. – Acts 8:35 One of my favorite lesser known people in the Bible is Philip. Philip, who was a different Philip than the Apostle Philip, was preaching Christ at a time when Saul was heavily persecuting believers...