
Buffets, Doggy Bags, and Church

I love to go out to eat. I love to go to a favorite restaurant where I am familiar with the cuisine. Take me to a buffet (or “all you can eat” or “smorgasbord”, can you tell me the difference?) and you’ll see me looking like a kid at a…well…BUFFET. At a regular restaurant I...

May 31, 2018July 14, 2021by

Still Your Love Fought For Me

While the depth of God’s love for me is something I will never be able to wrap my head around, I’ve come to understand a little more about it lately. I heard the song “Reckless Love” by Cory Asbury a few weeks ago for the first time. Every lyric in this song is powerful, but...

April 30, 2018July 14, 2021by


“Ministry” is from the Greek word diakoneo, meaning “to serve” or douleuo, meaning “to serve as a slave”. Ministry is for everyone. It can and should include ministering to the physical, emotional, mental, and financial needs of others. “If we can serve others, we should serve. If we can teach, we should teach. If we...

April 30, 2018July 14, 2021by

Addition or Submission?

Lately, I have become interested in watching Christian movies. The genres run the gamut from documentaries, to Christian dramas and everything in between. (Side note- I highly recommend a documentary called “Is Genesis History?” It covers so many aspects of Genesis from a scientific Biblical perspective.) However, I really enjoy watching Christian fiction movies with...

April 30, 2018July 14, 2021by

I’m Not Feeling Much Like a Rock

One of my favorite people to study in the Bible is Peter. I find his walk with Jesus so interesting and relatable. That said, the two words I would use to describe Peter are: unstable and insecure. This is the man that left everything he ever knew to follow Jesus on a moment’s notice and...

April 30, 2018July 14, 2021by

Heaven or Bust

If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. (Colossians 3:1) Do you ever think about heaven? I do. A lot, in fact. I dream about seeing my grandparents again; I wonder about work there, and if God will assign me...

March 12, 2018July 14, 2021by

The Greatest Service

“Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen one in whom I delight; I will put my Spirit on him, and he will bring justice to the nations”. Isaiah 42:1 Have you seen the movie “The Greatest Showman” staring Hugh Jackman who portrayed P.T. Barnum? The movie portrays the life of a visionary who rose...

March 12, 2018July 14, 2021by

I Love You, Always, Forever!

“I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore I have drawn you with lovingkindness.” – Jeremiah 31:3 Have you ever contemplated God’s love for you? I mean specifically the pure emotion that He feels toward you, aside from providing you with the gift of salvation and blessing you every single day? Every so often, I...

March 12, 2018July 14, 2021by

When In Doubt, Pray It Out

“And Abram believed the Lord, and the Lord counted him as righteous because of his faith.” – Genesis 15:6   When Abraham called upon the Lord in Genesis 15, he was in a time of great distress. In the previous chapter, Abraham had rescued his nephew, Lot, from an army of four kingdoms as well...

March 12, 2018July 14, 2021by

Staying Faithful, Focused and Founded in Jesus

It’s time to ENGAGE.   No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier. II Timothy 2:4   The best way to summarize the context of this verse within Paul’s letter to Timothy is this: Paul is encouraging Timothy to...

March 12, 2018July 14, 2021by