The Value of a Participant’s Award

The Value of a Participant’s Award

There’s a lot of things that drive me crazy and one of them is the Participant’s Award. You know the one…the award for simply being there. In fact, even if you did nothing you got it. (Probably for your “part” in taking up space at an event…with little “pant” involved) They hand them out to...

October 14, 2024October 14, 2024by
Live It Out

Live It Out

Fall has always been my favorite season of the year.  The temperatures cooling, the leaves falling, the baseball postseason starting, and Thanksgiving arriving.  It’s just a splendid combination of nature’s beauty and more time spent with friends and family.  It’s also the joy of knowing that Christmas is right around the corner.  While all of...

October 7, 2024October 7, 2024by
Worse Than the Worst

Worse Than the Worst

“See how Ahab has humbled himself before Me?” (1 Kings‬ 21:29‬)‬ Bad people deserve the evil they get as much as good people deserve goodness, right? Isn’t that the way we’re wired? Vengeance is necessary in order for justice to be served. Only, not so much when it comes to our own offenses. I’ve said it before and I’ll...

October 1, 2024October 1, 2024by
We Are Royalty

We Are Royalty

“But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name:” John 1:12 Be still. Let that sink in.  When we turn to Jesus and accept His offer of salvation, God gives us an inheritance of eternal life with Him. That makes...

September 23, 2024September 23, 2024by
A Living Sacrifice

A Living Sacrifice

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. Romans 12:1 As Romans 12:1 states to present your bodies a living sacrifice. A sacrifice is a place, an act or a victim. To present is to exhibit or yield....

September 16, 2024September 16, 2024by
Follow Me

Follow Me

This year has broadened my perception of how to approach things. I have really seemed to grasp much deeper that despite everything going on, time does not stop, but it seems to just go by even faster.  These thoughts and memories remind me when I coached our town’s Rookie ball league. Now, as joyful as...

September 9, 2024September 9, 2024by


On the East coast of NJ at Cape May, hundreds even thousands come to “Sunset Beach” every day all year long. Some for the swimming and some for fishing but the majority for what’s know locally as hunting for Cape May diamonds. You can see them with their rakes and bucket or even just using...

September 3, 2024September 3, 2024by
Who Are the “They” Anyway?

Who Are the “They” Anyway?

They say…you’ve heard it before…quotes…statistics…comments…advice. In the news no matter what side you lean THEY are there. THEY have a lot to say. Of course I have NO clue who these THEY’s are. Do you? Have you ever used the line yourself? I know I have…well, THEY say I have. Are THEY a known group...

August 28, 2024August 28, 2024by
“Po-TAY-to, Po-TAH-to”

“Po-TAY-to, Po-TAH-to”

Seek the Lord; yes, seek his strength And seek his face untiringly. 1 Chronicles 16:11  Thrillers, rom-com, action/adventure – whatever the genre preference, movie recommendations have long been sought. But in the last few years, binge-worthy TV series have become a more common request. Since the pandemic of 2020, the simplicity of streaming has created a...

August 19, 2024August 19, 2024by
Your Story, God’s Glory!

Your Story, God’s Glory!

It is an absolute blessing being able to serve in prison ministry with the Saints and Deacons organizations for 24 years and counting.  We have the opportunity to travel to prisons all over the country and share The Gospel of Jesus Christ with inmates.  In between and sometimes after our games, we get to spend...

August 13, 2024August 13, 2024by