
The Eyes Have It

I got a new pair of glasses last week. At the optometrist I was sitting in the chair and I hear the same familiar question, “Read the smallest line you can read”. I always answer with the same joke…E. (He’s never amused) Sure, I’ve had glasses since I was 12 but as I get older...

February 4, 2018July 14, 2021by

Grace Through the Pain

“Be still, and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10a 2017 was a very painful year for our family. I know our family is not alone with feeling the pains of this world. Pain takes many forms, and effects each person and families differently. Pain can be physical, emotional, and/or spiritually driven. Plus, the root...

January 18, 2018July 14, 2021by

What Are You Waiting For?

So it came to pass in the process of time…(1 Samuel 1:20) Holidays, resolutions and chickens. It’s like a hot game of TriBond. What do these three things have in common? Read on. If you’ve ever been stuck in traffic, or a long line at an amusement park, you may have noticed people don’t have...

January 11, 2018July 14, 2021by

For the Guys…

Eph 5:33A: “Each individual among you is also to love his own wife even as himself.” All of you guys have heard this before; usually at weddings… if you remained awake. But what does it mean to love someone like that? Let’s turn to Jesus and read an example of how He expressed His love....

January 4, 2018July 14, 2021by

To See or Not to See?

“Be of good cheer. Rise, He is calling you.” (Mark 10:49) It’s not a feeling you quickly forget. And it’s most likely the reason for my “white coat syndrome” today. That terrifying, breath-stopping, window of time between when you realize the routine exam is taking too long, to when the doctor actually confirms your fear....

November 14, 2017July 14, 2021by

Here’s the Thing About Eagles…

At the end of last year’s Women’s Conference, each woman was given a word on a small piece of paper. This word was unique to each person, and was specifically prayed over before the conference. Most people I know got words like “love,” “gift” and “hope.” My word was “eagle.” At the time, I was...

November 14, 2017July 14, 2021by

Being Obedient by Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone

Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me…” Have you ever had one of those little nudges to change something in your life, that seems to others crazy? To do something out of the ordinary in hopes of the extraordinary? At different points in our lives, we have all felt this,...

November 14, 2017July 14, 2021by

The Christmas Countdown

Do me a favor – if you have an iPhone, pull it out and say, “Hey, Siri! How many days until Christmas? Now, depending on her mood, you either got: Directions to the Christmas Tree Shoppes Pictures of Santa Or the right answer – about 60 days! 60 DAYS til Christmas. If I change my...

November 14, 2017July 14, 2021by

A Do and a Don’t for you

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction... Proverbs 1:7 Wait; wait just a minute now! Didn’t you say that religion is just the made-up rules and traditions of men and that Jesus frowned on the traditions developed and imposed on the assembly by religious leaders… that...

November 14, 2017July 14, 2021by

Run! Don’t Walk

Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win. 1 Corinthians:9 I have a good friend who is a power house of a runner. She ran her first marathon in January of 2009 and has run...

November 14, 2017July 14, 2021by