In our journey of faith there are many things that have challenged us along the way. There have been certain messages or people that have shared something that hits a needed spot in our life. We may have even had the Holy Spirit bring us to a crawl to the throne in conviction from a...
Author: CCGC
Good God!
God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill? (Numbers 23:19) “Good grief! Good night! Good times!” These common expressions of “Oh, no!” don’t truly reflect good at all, do they? So why use that word? Why say...
Praying In Tune
Last year, the middle school in the district in which I am employed expanded to sixth grade. So after many years of teaching that grade level in an elementary building, it was time to move. As much as I enjoyed my time at the elementary level, the change has been a true blessing from God. The administration...
We Never Know What a Day May Hold
On March 13 of this year, I wrote in my journal as usual. I began by thanking the Lord for new insight into a situation. I was grateful for this precious gift. I ended the entry acknowledging how much He had blessed me and how humbled I was by it. Jeremiah 29:11 For I know...
I have begun to observe that life’s distractions never come at once but little by little. Indulge in this journey with me briefly and let me explain. Between enjoying the blessings of marriage and our children combined with their activities, I took on extra shifts as the afternoon supervising athletic director because I want to...
Heart to Heart
All that the Messiah taught and represented was in keeping with G-d’s revelation of Himself. There was nothing He said or did that was out of the mainstream and spirit of the Torah. He did not come to start a “new” religion as many have reduced Him to but to “reveal” the Father as He...
What Were You Born For?
It’s not an easy question because it brings up less than desired introspection. We have our self doubts and worries about what answers our minds conjure up. That becomes Satan’s playing field…our mind. But if you can put on the mind of Christ and place on your helmet of salvation you’ll soon find yourself realizing...
“Will You?”
Peter said to Him, “Lord… I will lay down my life for Your sake.” Jesus answered him, “Will you…?” (John 13:37-38) The fairytale wedding is a child’s dream; the soulmate, a young adult’s lofty goal; marriage, the most satisfying struggle of a veteran spouse. With the recent engagement of my oldest daughter, wedding planning has begun! And it’s got me thinking...
Answering the Call
Our beloved church celebrated its 13th anniversary this week. I still cannot believe it has been that long. God has done so many unbelievable things and brought in so many amazing people over the years. Our church has truly been used by God to be a blessing to so many that have entered those doors. ...
Where Do You Belong?
Did you ever feel like you did not fit in anywhere? As a shy and timid child, I wanted so badly to be accepted. The more I felt left out, the more recklessly fearless I became until I was doing things that took me to places I never expected to be and definitely did not...