

Eighteen years later, I sat at a traffic light at the exit of 295. This was not my normal exit. I had taken it due to a traffic jam. As my eyes settled on the building across the street, I asked why today? This building reminded me of a time I would rather forget.  I...

October 16, 2023October 16, 2023by
Give Thanks

Give Thanks

Thanksgiving Day is coming up soon, however I have noticed that most stores go from Halloween to so called Christmas and skip Thanksgiving. Their so called Christmas decorations exclude Jesus. But back to Thanksgiving. Have you ever been given a compliment or a gift and did not say thank you? Maybe you didn’t feel you deserved...

October 9, 2023October 9, 2023by


I never thought a few months ago, at 43 years old, I would find myself strapped down to a table at Cooper Hospital needing a Heart Catheter, let alone needing a stent put in at the same time. Overall, I keep myself in good shape; I eat well, but then again, I am diabetic, so...

October 2, 2023October 2, 2023by


There is an interesting observation in the raising of poultry which gives insight to the reason we have so many lame (crippled, powerless) believers in the assemblies. Birds reared in cramped spaces fail to develop proper legs. NOTE: Legs speak of WALKING= which speaks of one’s conduct.  This observation can be seen by the swelling...

September 25, 2023September 25, 2023by
Getting to the Root

Getting to the Root

The weeds in the front yard were winning the battle against the grass last year, so I declared war.  Armed with my kneeling pad, digger, and fresh fervor, I painstakingly pulled out every weed.  Most of the lawn was dead and barren after the purging, but I reseeded, watered, and waited.  Within a few months,...

September 18, 2023September 18, 2023by
Not of Dust or Us

Not of Dust or Us

For He Himself knows our frame; He is mindful that we are but dust. (Psalm 103:14) Before guitarist Kenny Livgren wrote these lyrics in 1977, and long before the Native American poem inspiring that song was written, King David recognized and recorded the truth behind these words: “all we are is dust in the wind.”  Psalm 103 is a beautiful and profound song of praise...

September 11, 2023September 11, 2023by
Equipped for Battle

Equipped for Battle

On the way back from our trip to Maine, my wife and I decided to make a quick stop in Plymouth, Massachusetts and check out some of the historical attractions. It is a beautiful town on Cape Cod Bay. We enjoyed a nice walk around the bay and saw Plymouth Rock, where it is believed that the...

September 8, 2023September 8, 2023by


I heard a speaker in a secular recovery meeting say that if you were not filled with joy you were not working the program. I was doing my best to work out a good program, but I had never felt joy. I did not believe this person, but joy eluded me, and I so wanted...

August 28, 2023August 28, 2023by


James 1:5 If any of you lack wisdom let him ask of God who gives to all liberally and it shall be given. The first thing we have to do is to acknowledge that we LACK wisdom. Many times we make a decision based on past experiences. Been there, done that and because it worked out we’ll try...

August 22, 2023August 22, 2023by
Hide or Seek?

Hide or Seek?

One of God’s greatest blessings in my life has always been the children He has given me provision over. Although still a blessing, the experience has taught me to no surprise that as they grow each day brings on more challenges than others. Despite the difficulties, any day has brought forth it always overwhelms me...

August 14, 2023August 14, 2023by