While traveling in the Rockies I can’t get over the absolute beauty and majesty of all the mountains I have seen. One day while staring at them, I heard in my spirit the words of the Psalmist who declared “I will look to the hills from whence comes my help, my help comes from Adonai.”...
Author: CCGC
Your Place in Holy Hiccups
You Are Wonderfully Made (Psalm 139:14) We’re in the process of selling our house, purging every pile, bagging and boxing belongings we haven’t touched in ages (if ever), trying to see with new eyes things that have become common to us in order to highlight and present well our home’s finest features. Needless to say, we’re...
True Freedom
I love summer time, especially being a school teacher. Other than getting a break from the classroom and serving with the Saints Prison Ministry, I get to celebrate one of the best events of the year, the Fourth of July. To most of us, it is a wonderful time of watching parades, hanging out with...
A Gift In Time
A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps. Proverbs 16:9 Have you ever made plans and looked forward to their arrival, only to find God set this up for a different reason? 1 Thessalonians 5:17 pray without ceasing. Heading to Virginia to visit my son, I knew this was not going...
Needing an Update
I recently had a trial where God needed to change my perspective. An individual was accusing and persecuted someone I loved. The lies being told were to hide their deceptions that had unfolded in their past. My prayers were that God would reveal the truth and vindicate the persecuted one knowing that Scripture that declares...
Treasure Hunt
I grew up in a traditional Catholic family and knew the basics of God; I grew up with a younger brother and sister and a cousin with whom I am super close with; in fact, he is my older brother, as far as everyone knows. It is the only way I ever saw him as....
Reshaping our Character
A curious explanation is given in a Jewish writing as to why the whole human race originated from one man. “Because of the righteous and the wicked, that the righteous should not say, ‘We are descendants of a righteous ancestor’ and the wicked say ‘We are the descendants of a wicked ancestor.’” The point is...
Sticks and Stones
Little Isabella studied the sticks along the curb strip and proudly held one up as treasure. “Stick!” She put it in the trunk of her little pink car and proceeded to pedal down the block. Next, she spied a stone in the driveway and got out to claim it as her own. “Stone!” So it...
“aGAIN and aGAIN”
“…he began to draw back and separate himself…because he was afraid…”(Galatians 2:12) When I was a teen, “Granny G.” (as I called her) lived directly behind my house. My frequent visits wore a path across the yard to her doorstep where I was met with welcoming arms and twinkling eyes. She was wise yet had...
Sonshine Through the Rain
This past Saturday kicked off our NJ Saints Prison Ministry season. As we traveled to Sussex Correctional Institution in Delaware, we faced some adversities. The first one was that some of our teammates were unable to make it, leaving us a little light on players. The second one was that the forecast called for rain...