1 Samuel 16:7 But the Lord said to Samuel,
Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have refused him.
For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

Bitmojis…I’m fairly new to them. Are you familiar with them? Do you have one? It’s like a personalized Emoji. You ask “what’s that?” Emojis are those silly smiley faces (or frowny ones) you see people insert with their texts. A Bitmoji is a “bit-mo” different. It’s a cartooned picture you create of yourself. You get to choose hair style, facial features, clothes, body shape, etc. You do this until you have the closest thing to a replica of what YOU think you look like. It’s fun. But boy oh boy, have I learned a lot about people (and myself) from doing this and seeing others’ Bitmojis. It’s funny how we see ourselves. When I see someone’s bitmoji I can see…kinda maybe…that person. What I actually see is a bit more liberal interpretation of that person. Part accuracy…part embellishment (part wishful thinking). There have been times I have joked with a person that their’s looked completely unlike them…go back to the selection and be a “bit mo” YOU-looking…at least how I see you. Recognizable. I am proud to say most people say mine is pretty accurate. Ha ha ha

It got me to thinking (and Holy Spirit nudging). It IS funny how we see ourselves. It’s another thing completely how others see us. I remember hearing a song once that said “I’m not as good as you think I am but I am not as bad as you think I am”. But when it comes to how we see ourselves we wage an internal war…we know deep inside how we really are but we tend to present the person we hope others want to see. There are times we believe our own bluff. It’s difficult to be honest when it comes to flaws. Ever have your picture taken a gazillion times to get just the right one? Wasn’t that first one you too? That’s why family pics are so hard. Getting everyone PERFECT in an imperfect family, add kids and attitude…thank goodness we aren’t taking “emotional” prints of inward selves. Face it, we ALL have tried to have the right look for the right person at the right time…and that is a wrong thing. At some point we start to lose ourselves…to others, when the only loss of self we should have is to God and that is only to become more like Christ.

So one thing to consider…and that is, can others see JESUS in and through me instead? I don’t mean dressing up like Jesus, that would be silly (verge of creepy). But do our action speak louder than our words or dress, tattoos, t-shirts, cross necklaces and all? When other meet us do they do a double-take and ask “What is different about you?” Is that the JESUS they see in us? Is that the me we want them to see…the NOT ME but JESUS?

But the most important view of ourselves is how GOD sees us. See, it doesn’t matter how WE see ourselves or others. God sees us accurately. God sees how we look physically and that doesn’t matter. We all know the scripture that says God doesn’t look on the outward as man does…He looks at the heart. BUT…that still poses a problem. The heart is often a mess…its called deceitful..desperately wicked. (That would make a lousy bitmoji) Thankfully God doesn’t see us how we see us or even how other sees us. The US He sees is the one we are because of Christ. God sees us through blood stained lenses. Jesus is the SON-eclipse God sees. THAT is a fortunate thing…that is GRACE.

So when we look into a spiritual mirror, who are we reflecting? Are we reflecting Jesus? Joy? Mercy? Hope? Love? Do our scars from this world get hidden by the scars in Christ’s hands and feet? Are you dressed covered in God’s grace sewn on by your faith? Son shining on your face? When GOD sees Jesus in our place then the world should be seeing that same Jesus.

If we’re dead to “selfie” we should be alive to Christ.
It really all comes down to we need a
Bit-Mo-JESUS and a lot less me…

“God, I love the way You look at me,
the way You steer Your eyes
to see the bride beneath the harlot’s skin,
the virtue underneath the sin
I love the way You look at me,
when You lift the veil and You repeat Your vow”
– Brad Olsen –

Pator Steve