Bedtime routines in any home with children can feel like an adventure—or a battlefield. Parents know all too well the delicate negotiations, the last-minute thirst emergencies, and, of course, the bedtime privileges that turn into debates. In our house, one of the biggest nighttime debates is over who gets to pick the short movie before bed.
Each night, our two boys, Joshua and Christiano, argue over who gets the choice. Being focused on the immediate gratification of picking that night’s movie, Joshua often proposes a deal: “If I get to pick tonight, you can pick the next three nights!” To him, this seems like a great idea in the moment—he gets what he wants right now. However, the next night, when Christiano exercises his three-night privilege, Joshua protests the very deal he made. On the other hand, Christiano understands the power of delayed gratification—by giving up one night, he secures three in return.
This very human tendency to trade the long term for the short term reminds me of the story of Jacob and Esau. In Genesis 25:29-34, Esau, weary and hungry, comes in from the field and sees that his brother Jacob has made a pot of stew. Jacob, ever the strategist, offers him a deal—trade me your birthright for this meal. In his moment of hunger, Esau sees only the immediate relief that the food provides and disregards the immense value of his birthright. “Look, I am about to die,” Esau says in verse 32, “what good is the birthright to me?” And with that, he sells his inheritance for a bowl of stew.
Much like Joshua, Esau didn’t weigh the long-term consequences of his decision—he saw only his present desire. In contrast, Jacob, like Christiano, understood the greater value of what he was bargaining for, even if it required a short-term sacrifice. The difference between them lay in their ability to see beyond the moment.
How often do we make similar choices as parents, leaders, and believers? We compromise for the sake of convenience or temporary satisfaction, only to regret it later. We choose comfort over character, the easy path over the right one. Yet the Bible warns against this kind of short-sighted decision-making. Proverbs 14:12 reminds us, “There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.” Likewise, Jesus teaches in Mark 8:36, “What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?”
As we guide our children and examine our own lives, let us strive to make decisions not based on fleeting desires but on God’s eternal wisdom. Let’s teach our children that some choices, while appealing in the moment, carry lasting consequences. Most importantly, let’s remember to seek God’s wisdom when making choices that impact not just today but tomorrow and beyond.
So I ask, what have you given away for a “bowl of stew” in your life?
Frank D.