The Joy of the Lord is my Strength

The Joy of the Lord is my Strength

A command in the Scriptures in Philippians 3:1, “Rejoice in the Lord.” Joy and happiness can be very different. Happiness depends on if I like the circumstance I’m in. Joy does not depend if the circumstance is favorable to me. When things go the way I want, or others agree with me, or the timing is good, I am happy.

I recently was in a circumstance that I did not want or like. It was lasting too long I could see no benefit from it. It was causing me pain and grief. The Lord says in Romans 12:12 to rejoice in HOPE. We cannot have faith if we do not have hope. The enemy wants us to become hopeless. Thankfully God gives us many promises that give us hope.

The Lord gave me this promise during my recent trial, “thou I walk through the valley of death, fear no evil for I am with you.” My faith in Him is seen through His perspective not mine. I can now count on all JOY (James 1:2-4) knowing the purpose of my current circumstance even though I still don’t like it. WE serve a faithful God who loves us and is always with us no matter what we’re going through.

Ginny I.