Restore Addictions Ministry
A Christ-Centered Program
For I will restore health to you And heal you of your wounds, says the LORD…
– Jeremiah 30:17

Calvary Chapel Gloucester County has a Restore Bible Study that meets Monday nights at 7pm for a verse-by-verse Bible study and discussion about breaking addiction of any kind and transformation in the Youth Building-Suite 9.
Restore Support Group meets for a small group discussion on Thursday night at 7pm in the Church Offices-suite 16 centered around topics in the scripture pertaining to addiction and transformation.
This is open to anyone who is in recovery, battling addiction of any kind not just alcohol or drugs, family member of someone in recovery or battling addiction as well as anyone interested in learning to live victorious through Jesus Christ.
We believe that there is a cure to addiction, and the cure is by putting your full trust and faith in Jesus Christ and walking obedient to the Word of God. A personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ, impowers the believer to live a life of deliverance from addiction and forgiveness of pass guilt and shame. Man was created to have fellowship with God in the garden, but man’s sin separated us from this relationship. Since then, every man/woman desire to fill this void. Looking to anything that will fill this empty space, however only a relationship with Jesus satisfies this thirst. After coming to believe, discipleship in God’s Word renews the mind of man. Constant prayer strengthens our faith and trust in God. Fellowship with the church, connects us with the family of faith where spiritual needs are met. Helping others, lets us step out of our selfishness and self-centeredness to serve others in need.
“Any addiction, whether to alcohol, drugs, prescription medicines, pornography, gambling, cigarettes, or even food, is a form of idolatry. The first commandment is, “You shall not have any other gods before Me.” The second commandment is, “You shall not bow down to them or serve them” (see Exodus 20). When a person is addicted, they are really bowing down and serving that addiction as their god. It is the sin of idolatry. They become a slave to it and they are held in bondage. Jesus said, “Whoever commits sin is a slave of sin” (John 8:34). Adam had perfect liberty in the garden. He had the freedom to eat of any tree in the garden that he pleased, but God warned him, “Don’t eat of that tree! That will bring you into bondage. That will bring you into death.” God didn’t tie him up in the corner of the garden, nor did God build a high wall around that tree. He had the freedom to eat of it. But Adam exercised that freedom in such a way as to bring death and bondage to sin and to the flesh. As he obeyed the desires of the flesh rather than the Word of God and the commandment of God, he then found himself a victim to his flesh. So many people are dying a slow death because their addiction has a hold on them, almost as if it were demonic; and the only thing that can free a person from this hold is the power of Jesus Christ. Jesus came to open the eyes of those that are blind, and “to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound” (Isaiah 61:1). “Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed” (John 8:30).” -Chuck Smith