Women’s Conference
Annual Women’s Conference
Annual Women’s Conference 2024- Saturday, September 28th
Our theme for this year’s conference was Who is like our God?
O LORD, God of hosts, Who is mighty like You? ~ Psalm 89:8
The day included our guest speakers, Heather Kazanjian and Tiffany Rozek, two short testimonies, time of worship, prayer, fellowship, breakout sessions/worships, lunch and partaking in the Lord’s Supper together.
The Welcome and Introduction along with the main sessions from Heather Kazanjian and Tiffany Rozek are available to listen to through our church app under “Media” and then look for the folder Annual Women’s Conference or click here to listen from our website.
Visit our YouTube Channel to watch and listen to the two testimony videos and watch a short clip of the day!
Testimony from Kathy McSorley
Testimony from Hollie Butler
Short Clip from the day
During our time, some of the breakout sessions gave handouts. The handouts that were given:
Fellowship and Hospitality gave out two different recipe cards
Spiritual Giftings Test & Key

Women’s Conference 2023-
We had a wonderful day experiencing and focusing on our Magnificent Obsession! The verse for the conference was: Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. Deuteronomy 6:5
The day included three sessions from our guest speaker, Margie Stewart, a short testimony, time of worship, prayer, fellowship, lunch and partaking in the Lord’s Supper together.
The three main sessions are available to listen on our CCGC App under Media or the Teachings page on our website.